LensRentals.com – The Most Honored Photograph
Great story about the most decorated combat flight in U. S. history.
LensRentals.com – The Most Honored Photograph
Great story about the most decorated combat flight in U. S. history.
Everpix, Snapchat, and The Startup Lie
If you’re an engineer readying a product launch I urge you to focus on creating a sustainable business, instead of buying into the belief that acquisition paydays and venture capital is the best way to operate.
An interactive git cheat sheet
Image carousel animated by CSS transitions
MailChimp’s pattern library for web development
Getting Started with the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser
API for building Javascript applications with access to Amazon Web Services
“Princess Bride” star Patinkin reveals his favorite line in the film | CBSTV Videos – Yahoo Screen
Nice interview with Mandy Patinkin reflecting on his role in The Princess Bride.
Swatches for colors and gradients used in iOS 7
12 Awesome CSS3 Features That You Can Finally Start Using | Tutorialzine
Information on 12 CSS3 features that have broad support among the latest browsers
Boy Writes To Deadliest Man, Gets Response – Business Insider
Very cool story.
Is a Navy SEAL quieter than a ninja?
Six-year-old Walker Greentree is a kid in a military family who was determined to find out, so he wrote to Admiral William McRaven.