The Space Between the Notes | Jason Santa Maria
Jason Santa Maria, looking forward to the expected announcement of iOS 7 next week, discusses skeuomorphism and flat design.
Instead, skeuomorphism is a mode of design and a metaphor for function. It’s a spectrum, not a binary between being either “skeuomorphic” or “not skeuomorphic.” This is helpful, since interface design is rarely about black-or-white scenarios. Good interfaces blend the most useful and appropriate pieces along the spectrum, allowing users to build on the familiarity they have with other objects and experiences. It’s absolutely true that minimalist designs can declutter interfaces, which can help solve some interaction and usability problems. But the lack of clutter itself is not the innovation; it’s still the veneer. If innovation does happen, it’s usually in the ideas, language, and interactions that lie beneath that exterior.
(via Shawn Blanc)
Blogged by helloMuller. – On so-called Flat Design.
This post provides some history for the flat design trend. (Hint: it’s been around for awhile.)
Something that in itself has been around since the mid 90s, when it was simply interactive or web design that was labelled “minimal” or “clean”.
The Argument Isn’t Skeuomorphic vs. Flat — Design/UX — Medium
In a world where more and more people are interested in the relationship between design and the internet, we’re teaching them to think that graphic design is nothing more than a style preference.
The whole skeuomorphic vs. flat debate is really distracting from what matters. I wish it would go away.
Designing blogs for readers – Matt Gemmell
If you write online, make sure that your blog serves your readers’ needs as well as yours, and lends appropriate weight to your well-chosen words.
Great advice for designing a blog — including sections on readability, hypertext etiquette, responsiveness, utility for the reader, SEO considerations, and elements to remove
stratēchery by Ben Thompson | Apple and the Innovator’s Dilemma
Design at its essence, is not just about form, and not just about function. Instead, itʼs both, and more. It is ultimately about the user and delivering exactly what they need, not just what they say they want.
That is the exact reason Apple is the company it is and why it has been so successful.
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