Native javascript to replace jQuery
My Media Query Mixin | Always Twisted. Front-End Development.
My Media Query Mixin | Always Twisted. Front-End Development.
Useful media query mixins for SASS
Quotes and Accents
Quick guide to special characters
List of pseudo-elements to style form controls by TJ VanToll
List of pseudo-elements to style form controls by TJ VanToll
Styling form controls using pseudo-elements with examples
Viewport Sized Typography | CSS-Tricks
Viewport Sized Typography | CSS-Tricks
Using the CSS3 viewport relative sizing units (vw, vh)
My four year old, Julia, read a book to her momma.
Fair Use Fearmongering, from Friends? (What happened to Waxy was terrible, but fair use works better than he thinks it does)
Burkhard Bilger: A New Era in Mars Exploration : The New Yorker
Burkhard Bilger: A New Era in Mars Exploration : The New Yorker
By the time Earth took its first breath three billion years ago, geologists now believe, Mars had been suffocating for a billion years. The air had thinned and rivers evaporated; dust storms swept up and ice caps seized what was left of the water. The Great Desiccation Event, as it’s sometimes called, is even more of a mystery than the Great Oxygenation on Earth. We know only this: one planet lived and the other died. One turned green, the other red.
How well this attack succeeds depends much less on what happened in Boston than by our reactions in the coming weeks and months. Terrorism isn’t primarily a crime against people or property. It’s a crime against our minds, using the deaths of innocents and destruction of property as accomplices. When we react from fear, when we change our laws and policies to make our country less open, the terrorists succeed, even if their attacks fail. But when we refuse to be terrorized, when we’re indomitable in the face of terror, the terrorists fail, even if their attacks succeed.
Don’t glorify the terrorists and their actions by calling this part of a ‘war on terror.’ Wars involve two legitimate sides. There’s only one legitimate side here; those on the other are criminals. They should be found, arrested, and punished. But we need to be vigilant not to weaken the very freedoms and liberties that make this country great, meanwhile, just because we’re scared.
Empathize, but refuse to be terrorized. Instead, be indomitable — and support leaders who are as well. That’s how to defeat terrorists.