WP_Query by “Standard” Post Format : alexking.org
Filtering WP_Query by the ‘standard’ post format
WP_Query by “Standard” Post Format : alexking.org
Filtering WP_Query by the ‘standard’ post format
Customizing the WordPress Query
More on customizing WordPress’ main query
Querying Posts Without query_posts
Customizing the default WordPress query using ‘pre_get_posts’ and ‘is_main_query’
A comprehensive reference for the arguments available to WordPress’ query
Styleguides for GitHub
Crater Lake Under the Stars
Within Two Worlds
Responsive Web Design in Sass Part 2: Media Queries in Sass – Intermediate
Using SASS with media queries as a part of responsive web design
Responsive Web Design in Sass Part 1: Fluid Layouts and Fluid Images – Intermediate
Using SASS to build fluid responsive web sites
Adactio: Journal—Generating placeholders from datalists
A quick look at using datalists and creating placeholders from them