
Evidence of a Frozen Past: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 Rachelle posed beside a glacial boulder during our hike on the Forces of the Northern Range Self-guiding Trail.

That’s Wet!: Emily had a play date with Rachelle and a friend at a local park with a water feature. She really seemed to enjoy it.

Great Fountain Up Close: Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 Another view of Great Fountain Geyser with White Dome Geyser visible in the background.

Fog in the Morning: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003 Fog rising off of Jenny Lake obscures the mountains.

Catherdral of Mountains: Grand Teton National Park, September 2003 The Cathedral Group is the name given to some of the tallest mountains of the Teton Range. In this photo, I believe, the peaks of Grand Teton, Mount Owen and Teewinot can be seen.