A virtual re-creation of Disneyland’s Space Mountain ride
Boing Boing: DMCA’s author says the DMCA is a failure, blames record industry
Boing Boing: Fair use 1: James Joyce’s grandson 0
Boing Boing: Fair use 1: James Joyce’s grandson 0
Score one for Fair Use
SXSW 2007: Why XSLT is Sexy
Veerle’s blog | Spraying Symbols in Adobe Illustrator
Sand in the Gears – On the Spread of Stupid
Sand in the Gears – On the Spread of Stupid
Are we creating a nation of adolescent idiots?
RealClearPolitics – Articles – Gore’s Faith Is Bad Science
RealClearPolitics – Articles – Gore’s Faith Is Bad Science
Michael Barone takes on Al Gore’s faith in Global Warming
More Alpine Scenery: Glacier National Park, August 2006 More scenery from our hike to Hidden Lake. Smoke from the forest fires in the eastern part of the park is visible to the right. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Governor’s Palace: Colonial Williamsburg, April 2004 The Royal Governor’s Residence in Williamsburg. This was the seat of government until the American Revolution. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)
Coat of Arms: Colonial Williamsburg, April 2004 (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)