All posts by Robby

I live in Oak Ridge, TN with my wife Rachelle and our daughter, Emily. I work as a web developer for ORAU.

The Canyon Narrows: Zion National Park, September 2001 After Weeping Rock we went to the end of the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, the Temple of Sinawava. We hiked for a while on the Riverside Walk, a trail alongside the river which leads to The Narrows, the end of Zion Canyon. At the end of the Scenic Drive, the canyon narrows and the scenery changes dramatically. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)

Green Water, Blue Skies: Norris Dam State Park, May 2007 While my parents were visiting us, we planned a picnic lunch at Norris Dam State Park. My dad and I spent some time wandering around the dam taking photos. I took this shot standing on the east side of the dam looking out at Norris Lake. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)

Water from Above: Zion National Park, September 2001 After we finished our hike on the Middle and Lower Emerald Pool Trails, we continued up the canyon and stopped at Weeping Rock. At Weeping Rock there is a short hike to a shallow cave. A cascade of water falls along the edge of the cave. This water is trapped between two layers of rock in the canyon walls. Gravity pulls the upper layer of rock down against the lower layer, squeezing the water out of cracks and fissures in the canyon wall. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)

Weeping Rock: Zion National Park, September 2001 After we finished our hike on the Middle and Lower Emerald Pool Trails, we continued up the canyon and stopped at Weeping Rock. At Weeping Rock there is a short hike to a shallow cave. A cascade of water falls along the edge of the cave. This water is trapped between two layers of rock in the canyon walls. Gravity pulls the upper layer of rock down against the lower layer, squeezing the water out of cracks and fissures in the canyon wall. (via Robby Edwards’ Photos)