All posts by Robby

I live in Oak Ridge, TN with my wife Rachelle and our daughter, Emily. I work as a web developer for ORAU.

Step into the Past: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, September 2001 Preserved as the oldest operating trading post on the Navajo Nation, Hubbell Trading Post still serves the surrounding Navajo community. Located on the site are the Trading Post, the Hubbell home and a Visitor Center with a demonstration of Navajo rug weaving. For those who are interested, the parks service has a fascinating paper detailing how the Park Service came to acquire and run an Indian trading post. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Navajo Fortress: Canyon de Chelly National Monument, September 2001 This massive stone monolith marks the intersection of Canyon Del Muerto and Black Rock Canyon along the northern rim of Canyon de Chelly National Monument. It is not connected to the remainder of the canyon walls and was used as a refuge from the enemies of the Navajo. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)

Labyrinth: Arches National Park, September 2001 Park rangers provide guided tours of the Fiery Furnace, as it is apparently easy to get disoriented and lost inside this complex of sandstone pinnacles. (via Photos from Robby Edwards)