Very funny! Why am I just finding out about this now?
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Using Icon Fonts | Go Make Things
Using Icon Fonts | Go Make Things
Nice description of icon fonts and how to use them
Nice run explanation of progressive enhancement and the rationale behind it
A Rocket To Nowhere (Idle Words)
A Rocket To Nowhere (Idle Words)
Most of the really wrong design decisions in the Shuttle system — the side-mounted orbiter, solid rocket boosters, lack of air-breathing engines, no escape system, fragile heat protection — were the direct fallout of this design phase, when tight budgets and onerous Air Force requirements forced engineers to improvise solutions to problems that had as much to do to do with the mechanics of Congressional funding as the mechanics of flight. In a pattern that would recur repeatedly in the years to come, NASA managers decided that they were better off making spending cuts on initial design even if they resulted in much higher operating costs over the lifetime of the program.
Funny commercial for the Nokia Lumia 920
Shirky: Social Software and the Politics of Groups
Shirky: Social Software and the Politics of Groups
Prior to the Web, we had hundreds of years of experience with broadcast media, from printing presses to radio and TV. Prior to email, we had hundreds of years experience with personal media — the telegraph, the telephone. But outside the internet, we had almost nothing that supported conversation among many people at once. Conference calling was the best it got — cumbersome, expensive, real-time only, and useless for large groups. The social tools of the internet, lightweight though most of them are, have a kind of fluidity and ease of use that the conference call never attained: compare the effortlessness of CC:ing half a dozen friend to decide on a movie, versus trying to set up a conference call to accomplish the same task.
The radical change was de-coupling groups in space and time. To get a conversation going around a conference table or campfire, you need to gather everyone in the same place at the same moment. By undoing those restrictions, the internet has ushered in a host of new social patterns, from the mailing list to the chat room to the weblog.
Color Pickers – Nathan Speller
Color Pickers – Nathan Speller
Color picker that shows color palettes based on images from Dribbble
In defense of
Tips for using <canvas>
“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency”
“Hoodwinked Into Technological Dependency”
One of the problems with the prevalence of solutions is it overvalues invention and undervalues behavior. We look for a gizmo, when changing how we act can have the desired effect. It seems like we’ve been hoodwinked into a trap of technological dependency.
But, technology is only as good or bad as what we use it to do, and I don’t think anyone who works in tech gets into the field with malice as their intent. In fact, usually the opposite, which is why I like this business. Hell, I’m one of the the folks in technology, so none of this criticism excludes me—I only suggest we stop looking at technology as the primary way to fix problems, and stop turning a blind eye to its negative consequences and to the new problems it produces. – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector – Vanishing Acts: The CSS :empty Selector
Using the :empty selector